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951 N. Delaware Streetn

Lee is a Top 50 Super Lawyer in Indi­ana and is also the 2012 Best Lawyer, Indi­anapo­lis Lawyer of the Year for Arbi­tra­tion. His prac­tice focuses on per­sonal injury lit­i­ga­tion, wrong­ful death and alter­na­tive dis­pute res­o­lu­tion. Lee is com­mit­ted to max­i­miz­ing tort recov­er­ies for acci­dent affected vic­tims. He has exten­sive trial expe­ri­ence in both fed­eral and state court and is a fre­quent lec­turer on trial, per­sonal injury, med­ical mal­prac­tice, truck­ing acci­dents, medi­a­tion, and set­tle­ment issues.

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